(Estracto de los estatutos)

Art. 2 - Esta agrupación tiene por objetivo, a escala geográfica del sur de europa, defender la comunidad originaria de Asia del Sur (India, Pakistán, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal...), defender y favorecer el desarrollo de sus valores y actividades culturales, promover los intercambios con los sub continentes índico y la "diaspora", favorecer el desarrollo de la información del sur de Asia.

Art. 5 - Admisión : Para pertenecer a la asociación, deben haber nacido en el sur de Asia, o naturalizados de los paises del sub continente índio, ser poseedor o propietario de un proyecto individual o colectivo relacionado al presente estatuto, sin ninguna obligación de residir en la región. El proyecto y su factibilidad son evaluados por la oficina encargada.
a) Son miembros de honor, aquellos que han terminado un proyecto
b) Son miembros benéficos, aquellos que han financiado un proyecto
c) Son miembros activos aquellos participantes o financistas de uno o mas proyectos
d) Son asalariados, pero no miembros, aquellos comprometidos por un contrato de trabajo o convención
e) Son voluntarios-independientes, pero no miembros, aquellos comprometidos por convención por objetivos.

05 Abril 1997 publicàcion "Journal Officiel" (Modificado).
10 Julio 1991 publicàcion "Journal Officiel" (Modificado).
19 Agosto 1987 publicàcion "Journal Officiel" (Documento original).


Copy the following form, answer to all the questions and send it to oscise@email.com


First and Last Name :
Entity name (if any):
Entity official reference :
Address :
Postal Code :
City :
Country :
Date of birth :
Place of birth :
Mother tongue :
Origin :
Nationality :
Personnal e-mail :
Telephone and fax (if any) :


Your current occupation (if employed, precise government or private ) :
Highest educational level :
Object (for entities only) :


What was your previoust project ?
Are you currently having any responsability in the OSCISE office ?
Is there any objection from the OSCISE office against you to remain in the organization or within the office (if yes, give details) ?


Type of non lucrative project (for instance economic or cultural or social or legal, etc...) :
Is it a professional project ?
Please write a few lines about your project :
How did you get the idea ?
What is the relation between your project and the south asian community ?
How far is your project now ?


Is your project a short or medium or long term one ?
How many hours can you approximately spend per week to look after your project ?
If your objectives are not attained within an expected time framework, will you drop your idea ?


Do you know anyone or any entity (other than our organization) willing to help you in your project (if yes, please give details) ?
Is the person or the entity, who may help you, is also willing to join OSCISE (if yes, give contact details) ?
Do you have any sponsor (if yes, please give details) ?
Is the sponsor willing to become a member of OSCISE (if the sponsor is already a member of OSCISE, please precise otherwise give contact details) ?


Are you planning to launch your project as an individual within our organization ?
Are you planning to launch your project under your own entity within our organization ?
Are you willing to represent OSCISE for juridical or legal actions (if yes, please precise) ?
What else do you expect from OSCISE as a juridical entity ?


What could be your expenses if any (please give details) ?
What could be your receipts if any (please give details) ?
What could be your total expenses for the 3 coming years if any (please give details) ?
What could be your total receipts for the 3 coming years if any (please give details) ?


What are the main obstacles to your project ?
If any, how you can you tackle them on your own ?

I hereby, as a head of my project, representing the above mentionned entity (if any) request membership to OSCISE as a volunteer and agree to article n° 2 & n° 5 of its current bylaws and therefore accept, de facto, article n° 9 related to its membership radiation.

Date and electronic signature :

Your membership will be studied by the office and you will receive an answer by e-mail.

Office informations :

General Secretary : Mr. KANNAN Arut Chittu
E-mail : arut.kannan@linklaters.com

Executiv General Secretary : Mr. KANESALINGAM Kandiah
Address (home) : 30, rue George Clemenceau 06000 NICE FRANCE
Telephone (professional) : (00) +33 493 82 2833
E-mail : kkanesalingam@free.fr

Cultural Director : Mr. ASHOK Purushotam
Address (home) : 9, rue Puget 06100 NICE FRANCE
Telephone (home) : (00) +33 493 84 1782

Independant Volontary : Mr. BASHY Quraishy
Address (home) : Nyelandsvej 53 2000 FREDERIKSBERG DENMARK
Telephone & Fax (home) : (00) +45 38 88 19 77 - Mobil : (00) +45 40 15 47 71
E-mail : bashy@get2net.dk

© 1998-2003 OSCISE - Email : oscise@email.com